Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Journey...... of being close...close to His heart, love, and presence is such a treasure.  Being undone, seen, smoothered, drenched, soaked, revealed in such a safe and sacred place.  So amazing!  And so often I feel so unprepared for all the things He has in store but He continues to pour out in such a gentle and precious way....
I feel like He's clothing me in a way I have never been loved and cherished before....
What a wonderful Papa....
....and I continue to say....I just wanna be close to you and...know your heart:)

Sometimes I don't know where I am and you come and show me the WAY.....
......on such a beautiful path, which is so enjoyable with you by my side.....
Heart Beet Rawvioli with Pesto Oil by mynewroots #Beets #Rawvioli #mynewroots
......and your food is like hearts of Love....poured out all around!!!
The whole outfit
......He continues to dress me in His amazing clothes.....

Hope you enjoy Him on this Lovely Thursday....

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